Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome to PINE Collective!!! {Performance In Natural Environments}

Hello all. PINE Collective was originally created in 2006 or so in Youngstown, OH by Andrew Meyer and Kyle Farrell in order to encourage the ideal set out in the name. PINE stands for Performance In Natural Environments.

The ideal of the PINE collective is simple; to take music and other performance out into natural environments.

"A taste for the beautiful is most cultivated out of doors, where there is no house and no housekeeper."


PINE collective wants you to join!!!!!

We are not a group of elitists or extremists, just people dedicated to the promotion of performance in natural environments.

****In order to join, we ask that you complete at least one performance in any natural environment of your choosing and write a little bit about it. This will then be posted on the blog. Also, any photos or video you provide will be posted as well.****

We aren't making any membership jackets or anything like that, but you will have done something cool, thought and written about it, and posted it on the site for like-minded people to see. Hopefully we can create a dialogue here where we can share our experiences as performers working in natural environments.

Please take the time to participate in this project, even if it means simply spending some time improvising by yourself in a natural environment and then reflecting on that experience.

Nature can provide so many interesting dimensions to performance. From the sounds occurring in an environment and the natural light to the way sound reverberates and wraps around the landscape, there are many elements that are distinct to a single location, and a single performance.

There are silences so deep
you can hear
the journeys of the soul,
enormous footsteps
downward in a freezing earth.

                        -John Haines

"Wherever we are, what we hear is mostly noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating."

       -John Cage
Please feel free to post comments or to send me an email. I really hope that you will take the time to join in with this project!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if my comment posted, so I'll write it again.. This is a cool concept.. I especially like the picture from Alaska where your attempting the Yogi performance! haha Get the Ukelele out into that nature!
