Tuesday Morning Improvisations from Virginia Kendall Ledges
One of the best things about living in North-East Ohio is our proximity to nature. For many of us, nature is as close as the undeveloped, wooded areas near our homes, or local parks. For others it means the Cuyahoga Valley or Metro parks systems. Wherever we choose to go, we need not travel far.
This morning I found this spot in Virginia Kendall Ledges Park.
I spent about an hour and a half improvising freely, enjoying the reverberations from the rocks. For me, space in music seems to take on a different weight when the performance is done out of doors.
Foarte tare ideea de a combina frumusetea muzicii cu cea a naturii! Sper sa inspire cat mai multe 'suflete-libere' sa cante intr-un mediu neingradit. Altfel spus, good job, iubitule! :)